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The exhibition on intangible cultural heritage from Slovenia is on display in Vietnam
Between June 17 and July 2, 2024, Van Lang University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam will host an exhibition on intangible cultural heritage from Slovenia, which is included in the UNESCO...
New admission
INDIVIDUALS • adults 8 eur • children, students 5 eur • pensioners 5 eur FAMILY TICKET 16 eur 2 adults + 2 children up to the age of 18, or max. 5 family members GROUP VISITS WITH GUIDED TOUR - 10...
Photo: Blaž Verbič
Due to the Slovenian national holidays the museum's opening hours will be:
Maksim Gaspari, Children Skiing (postcard sent in 1938). From the SEM Documentation.
Thank you for creating future stories together with us! Slovene Ethnographic Museum, guardian of ethnological treasures for 100 years.
Opening hours during holidays, photo: Larisa Matijevič
Due to the Slovenian national holidays the museum's opening hours will be: MUSEUM BUILDING SEM: Sunday, 24 December: OPEN 10.00-14.00 Monday, 25 December: CLOSED Tuesday, 26 December: OPEN 10.00-18...
Working hours during holidays, photo: Larisa Matijevič
Working hours during holidays ...
Exhibition building
Due to the Slovenian national holidays the museum's opening hours will be: Tuesday, 31 October 2023 (Reformation Day): 10.00-18.00 Wednesday, 1 November 2023 (Day of Remembrance): CLOSED Other days:...
Do you know how cotton is cultivated?
The answer can be found in the publication White Gold: Stories of Cotton , which SEM prepared this year to accompany the exhibition of the same name as part of the project Taking Care. Ethnographic...
SEM programme for children and families
Through the countless small stories of the objects on display, heritage is presented to the youngest visitors in a way that allows them to see, experience and learn from it.
Exhibition building. Photo: Blaž Verbič.
Due to the Slovenian national holidays the museum's opening hours will be: Thursday, 27 April (holiday): OPEN Monday, 1 May (holiday): CLOSED Tuesday, 2 May (holiday): OPEN Other days: REGULAR...
Working hours during holidays, photo: Larisa Matijevič
Working hours of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum during holidays: Saturday, 24 December : OPEN 10.00-14.00 Sunday, 25 December : CLOSED Monday, 26 December : CLOSED Saturday, 31 December : OPEN 10.00...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum has been caring for ethnological treasures for a century. Let us celebrate together and in 2023 enrich them with new stories, looking towards the future.
Due to the Slovenian national holidays the museum will be closed on these days: Monday, 31 October 2022: CLOSED (national holiday) Tuesday, 1 November 2022: CLOSED (national holiday) Other days:...
From Preservation to Care
Taking Care: Creative Study Lab
Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana 13-14 October 2022 Museums are defined by their function of preserving heritage, both tangible and intangible, for study, education, and enjoyment. The field of...
Razstavo V zlati senci faraonov. Foto: Muzej Velenje
Slovenski etnografski muzej vabi danes ob 19. uri v Muzej Velenje na odprtje občasne razstave V zlati senci faraonov. Razstava temelji na izredno zanimivem fotografskem gradivu Egipta s prve poti...
The Babčevi fishing collection from Nabrežina / Aurisina near Trieste is one of rare collections in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum that boasts with three films. Memories of a Nabrežina Fisherman...
Good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture, video lecture
Slovene Ethnographic Museum in cooperation with AIMA organised an online event on the topic of good examples of sustainable beekeeping. #WorldBeeDay (May 20th)
Dog friendly museum
Slovene Ethnographic Museum is a dog friendly museum - a museum where dogs can enter but have to wait at designated areas.
Delovni čas med prazniki
Friday, 24 December: OPEN 10.00 - 14.00 Saturday, 25 December: CLOSED Sunday, 26 December: OPEN 10.00 - 18.00 Friday, 31 December: OPEN 10.00 - 14.00 Saturday, 1 January: CLOSED Sunday, 2 January:...
Greeting card
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Beli svet med Gorjanci in Kolpo
Temporary exhibition presents the natural and cultural heritage of Bela krajina in ten beautiful images (15.9. – 20.10. 2021 on museum platform in front of SEM) Through these photographs the...
Kana Prosen
Some of the words which have been most inspiring were written by authors Lučka Lešnik, Ines Nabernik Bošnjak, Ema Nunar and Tamara Podolski.
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is open for tourists and other visitors. In order to enter the museum there are no restrictions, RTV is not required. Welcome!
Smerokaz, foto: Blaž Verbič, SEM
Instalacija vabi k razmisleku, hkrati pa opozarja in spodbuja vse mimoidoče, da v muzej vstopite in raziščete razstave, ki so na ogled.
The Cursed Land of Lustful Women
Performance by Indian creator Kanika Gupta
The performance will take place on Sunday, 15 August, Tuesday, 17 August and Thursday, 19 August 2021 at 20.15. We will meet in front of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova 2, Ljubljana, at 20...
It Was In Spring ...
Screening of a documentary film by Indian creator Kanika Gupta
Screening will be held twice, on Thursdays, 5 and 12 August 2021, at 19.00 at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova 2, 1000 Ljubljana.
Foto: Maja Kocjan
We are looking for original poetry taking inspiration from trees.
Museum quarter Metelkova
at the Museum quarter Metelkova
For the price of one ticket, bought in any of the three museums, one can visit the same day all three museums.
Tuesday 15th June 2021 h. 15:00 – 16:00 CEST PAGODE Digital Festival is proud to present an online talk and presentations to discover barely seen collections of Chinese heritage in the holdings of...
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is part of the project Taking Care. Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care which explores connections between non-European ethnographic collections...
Open : Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00 Closed : Mondays and some National Holidays Free entrance every first sunday in a month Holiday opening hours : 27 April 2021 : OPEN 10.00 - 18.00 1 May 2021:...
Slovenski etnografski muzej
Dear visitors, Slovene Ethnographic Museum is temporarily closing its doors for visitors from 1 – 11 April 2021 in accordance with the government decree for the prevention of the spread of...
SEM from the air
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum has closed its doors in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but at the same time it has opened wide the doors to its online museum under the title The SEM from...
Branislava Sušnik
In both Slovenia and Paraguay, the year 2020 is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the important researcher, ethnologist, anthropologist and ethnolinguist, Dr Branislava Sušnik, who comes...
Painting of Breda Železnik
Breda Železik Svetlič, painting on glass, 1950s, donation to the museum. During and after World War 2, the painter became familiar with the technique of painting on glass and was a frequent visitor...
The word lepóč , lopòč or lopóčo has nothing to do with lepota (beauty in Slovene) although it is surrounded by natural beauty. It refers to a depression in a mountain pasture where water collects...
Čipke gospe Tončke
When bobbin lace making incorporates deft hand movements, family memories and local heritage, it becomes more than just a decorative object. The lace becomes a precious reminder of parents and...
Perfume bottle and half empty cigarette case
When functional objects lose their practical meaning, they can become a materialised souvenir filled with warm feelings. The perfume bottle probably still wasn't completely empty when F. the wife of...
Wedding posy and ring
Memorial objects are not only evidence of the deceased; they have the power to evoke the feelings of bliss but also the pain that life brings with it… Thus the slightly dusty wedding posy from Mengeš...
Children’s shoes
A mother’s memories of her young children are often retained in the little shoes from their early childhood. Soft leather sandals, to which the shoemaker has added heels, became a reminder of the...
Locks and plaits of hair – memory with DNA
Locks of hair from loved ones are often kept for emotional support and in memory: they offer direct contact with people and times that are no more… a first lock of hair of a small child, snipped off...
Cockta, the drink of your and our youth
On 8 March 1953, at the ski jumping competition at Planica, employees of the company Slovenijavino first presented a new soft drink called Cockta Cockta. On the Saturday morning at the address...
Child’s kurent costume
The child’s Carnival costume of a Haloze horned kurent from the village of Lancova vas consists of a sheepskin head covering with horns, a sheepskin coat, bells, a hedgehog stick and green leg...
Painted beehive panel
Painted beehive panels are an original ingredient of Slovene cultural heritage and a type of folk art that flourished particularly in the 19th century. The panels feature more than 600 motifs, both...
Marinčič in Matičetov v pogovoru
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum, a museum about people and for people, is still with you. We invite you to laugh with us, at a suitable distance apart, for laughter is the best medicine. We are...
Happy holidays and all the best in 2020! Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00 Closed: Mondays and some National Holidays Free entrance every first sunday in a month. Holiday opening hours: 24. and 31...
Pogled na razstavno hišo SEM
Thursday, 31 october 2019 – open between 10.00 and 18.00, 1 november 2019 – closed.
Alma M. Karlin (NUK)
19–22 September 2019, Slovene Ethnographic Museum The symposium is conceived as a response to the challenge of situating the history of the collecting of Chinese and other East Asian objects and of...
Afriško pokrivalo iz zbirke SEM
Many museums around Slovenia hold materials from non-European countries in their collection, including objects from Africa. Three museums particularly emphasise African collections, which are part of...
