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Slovenski etnografski muzej

Etnolog 14 (2004)

The present article contains the Document on the project of the permanent exhibition of the Slove


To date Slovene ethnology has avoided explicit discussions of emotions.


Based on experiences from field and museum work, the article draws attention, from an emotional a


The article focuses on reflections which accompany the activities of collecting, transcribing, cl


The article explores field work as a recurring, deeply emotional experience for the narrator as w

Prejudices about women gossiping more often than men usually appear in connection with certain so


The paper addresses the role of emotions, particularly fear and pleasure, in the social interacti

The article discusses the dilemmas of field research which are related to folkbelief, that is wit


This essay takes two different cases – Žiga Kariž’s Terror = Décor project which occupied the Slo


The article presents an interesting cradle from the early 19th century in the National Museum of

The article discusses the tangible and intangible cultural heritage as categories which are the b

The author presents long-term experiences with Shrovetide customs in the Gorica Museum and her co

The articles discusses food culture research based on cases of individual and group work with inf