Slovenski etnografski muzej

28. maj 2010
27. junij 2010

Sagarmatha Day

28th May – 27th June 2010

Visiting photographic exhibition, Nepal & Slovenia

Sagarmatha Day (Nepalese name for Mount Everest and means "Mother of Earth") is an exhibition dedicated to the first ascent the Mt. Everest by the alpinists Edmund Hillary, Tenjing Norga Sherpa and the Slovene alpinists and to the promotion of the Nepal Tourism Year 2011. The exhibition is organised by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum upon the initiative by Mr. Aswin Shrestha, Honorary Consul of Counsulate of Nepal.The photographic exhibition is also a celebration of Slovene-Nepalese friendship, alpine history and culture.

SEM in cooperation with Honorary Consulate of Nepal.