Slovenski etnografski muzej

Sliko so pridobili slovenski misijonarji v bengalskem misijonu v 30. letih 20. stoletja. Danes je del indijsko-bengalske zbirke v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju. / This print was collected by the Slovene missionaries in the Bengal mission in the 1930's, and is part of the Indian-Bengal collection in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum.
Spletna stran SEM
četrtek, 13. maj 2021 - 11:00
1 ura

Taking Care: spletni pogovor s Kaniko Gupta

Umetnostna zgodovinarka Kanika Gupta, aktivistka v rezidenci v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju, bo predstavila svoja dosedanja raziskovanja in ideje v okviru rezidence.

Pri tem bo poudarila še zlasti svoji avtorski deli – umetniški performans in dokumentarni film. Predstavila bo tudi svoje predhodno sodelovanje z muzejem, ki je potekalo leta 2018, ko je raziskovala muzejsko indijsko zbirko. Zbirko sestavljajo številni plakati, ustvarjeni v Indiji v začetku 20. stoletja. Kanika Gupta bo osvetlila številne pomene te zbirke in plakate umestila v tedanji zgodovinski kontekst.

Pogovor bo vodila Tina Palaić, antropologinja in muzejska kustosinja ter nacionalna koordinatorka projekta Taking Care.

Spletni dogodek na platformi Zoom
Meeting ID: 942 8410 1193; Passcode: 344119

O Kaniki Gupta
Kanika Gupta (rojena 1987, New Delhi) je umetnostna zgodovinarka, plesalka in filmska ustvarjalka. Magistrirala je iz umetnostne zgodovine na Oddelku za likovno umetnost Univerze Maharaja Sayajirao, Baroda, Gujarat, in doktorirala na Univerzi Jawaharlal Nehru v New Delhiju na temo starodavnega indijskega motiva ženske in drevesa. Je avtorica knjige Lupadakhe – Unknown Master Sculptors of Ancient India (2019) ter številnih znanstvenih prispevkov na temo starodavnega indijskega kiparstva, slikarstva, estetike in mitologije.

Sodelovala je pri več raziskovalnih projektih, med njimi so pridobivanje in dokumentiranje osebnih zbirk Ananda Coomaraswamyja and Kapile Vatsyayan za Kulturne arhive Nacionalnega centra za umetnosti Indira Gandhi v New Delhiju, asistirala pa je tudi profesorju Deepaku Kannalu pri pripravi vsebine za 35 modulov predmeta Zgodovina indijskega kiparstva za spletni podiplomski seminar na Univerzi Grants Commission indijske vlade.

Je gostujoča predavateljica na Nacionalnem institutu za umetnost v Ahmedabadu in Kurukshetri ter na drugih indijskih univerzah.

Sofinancira Evropska unija v programu Ustvarjalna Evropa.

Kanika Gupta, Activist-in-residence: Online Pre-programme

Thursday, 13 May 2021
11:00 CEST; 14:30 IST

The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is part of the project Taking Care. Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care which explores connections between non-European ethnographic collections and the climate crisis. It highlights indigenous knowledges, values and practices in imagining more sustainable and equitable futures. Within this project, the Museum will host an art historian Kanika Gupta as an activist-in-residence. In her research, Kanika Gupta illuminates ancient knowledge that can be traced in Indian museum collections and shows its relevance for today's global environmental challenges.

You are kindly invited to join as at the online event Taking Care: A Conversation with Kanika Gupta.

Art historian Kanika Gupta, an activist-in-residence in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, will speak about her current research and ideas for the residency, which includes her authorial artistic performance as well as documentary film. She will elaborate on her previous collaboration with the Museum which took place in 2018, and present some of the insights into Museum Indian collection. The collection consists of a number of posters made in India in the beginning of the 20th century, and conveys a different set of ideas that will be presented and discussed in this conversation.
In conversation with Tina Palaić, anthropologist and museum curator, a national coordinator for the Taking Care project.

BIO Kanika Gupta
Kanika Gupta (b. 1987, New Delhi) is an art historian, a trained dancer and a film maker. She did masters in Art History from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, Gujarat and PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi on the ancient Indian motif – the female and the tree. She has authored a book titled Lupadakhe – Unknown Master Sculptors of Ancient India (2019) and has authored several research papers on Ancient Indian sculpture, aesthetics, painting and mythology.
She has worked on several research projects like accessioning and documentation of Ananda Coomaraswamy and Kapila Vatsyayan personal collections for Cultural Archives of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi and assisted Professor Deepak Kannal in the content writing for thirty-five modules on ‘History of Indian Sculpture’, for e-pathshala, Online Post Graduate Diploma Course, University Grants Commission, Government of India.
She is a guest faculty at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and Kurukshetra and other Universities in India.
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Online event on the Zoom Platform
Meeting ID: 942 8410 1193; Passcode: 344119

Kanika Gupta