Slovenski etnografski muzej

Številka revije 
Etnolog 27 (2017)
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Pohištvo za vse čase : obravnava pohištva kot prispevek k raziskovanju materialne kulture

Prispevek izhaja iz materialnega in dokumentacijskega gradiva, zbranega v projektu, ki se osredotoča na družino Naglas iz Ljubljane ter njihovo firmo Naglas, ki je od srede 19. do srede 20. stoletja izdelovala pohištvo. Središčna os razprave izhaja iz obravnave (nekdanjega) meščanskega stanovanja in njegove notranje opreme. Materialno bivalno okolje aktivno sodeluje pri konstrukciji vsakodnevnega življenja, vpliva na gibanje in dogajanje v prostoru ter ustvarja edinstveno dojemanje prostora in ljudi. V tem kontekstu je pohištvo lahko tudi omejujoče. Gre za poskus razumevanja materialnosti doma znotraj sorodstvene skupnosti in prepoznavanje njegove pomembnosti, ko gre za širši družbeni kontekst. The article is based on physical and documentation material collected in the course of a project that focused on the Naglas family from Ljubljana and the Naglas company, which produced furniture from the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. The central focus of the article derives from its study of the family's (former) bourgeois home and its interior furnishings. The material dwelling environment actively participates in the construction of everyday life, influences movements and events in space, and creates a unique perception of space and people. In this context furniture may be a limiting factor as well. The article seeks to understand the materiality of the home within a family community, and to identify its importance to the wider social context.The article is based on physical and documentation material collected in the course of a project that focused on the Naglas family from Ljubljana and the Naglas company, which produced furniture from the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. The central focus of the article derives from its study of the family's (former) bourgeois home and its interior furnishings. The material dwelling environment actively participates in the construction of everyday life, influences movements and events in space, and creates a unique perception of space and people. In this context furniture may be a limiting factor as well. The article seeks to understand the materiality of the home within a family community, and to identify its importance to the wider social context.