Slovenski etnografski muzej

Gallery of narrators

Gallery of Narrators is a digital collection of narrations about identities that is produced by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana.

The programme complements the second permanent exhibition I, We and Others: Images of my World (2009). It is offering voice to people that are often overlooked in the media and society, especially representatives of physically, sensory or socially deprived, and minorities of all kinds. 56 narrations have been filmed in seven years. They are available inside the exhibition and on the museum web page

Only one narration is translated in English so far, see Suzana Tratnik.

Gallery of Narrators 2009-2016: Suzana Tratnik. Concept and editorial by Nadja Valentinčič Furlan, interview by Brigita Rupnik, filmed by Janez Doler, edited by Brigita Rupnik, Janez Doler and Nadja Valentinčič Furlan, produced by SEM, 2016, 7 minutes.

More info: Nadja Valentinčič Furlan,