Museum's Donors
Museum beehive FoundWould you like to become a part of the museum so that your name appears in its history? Ensure your own entrance to the house of heritage, the beehive of cultures! Your contributions and donations will accumulate in a special fund, entitled "The Museum Beehive". Your contribution or donation will ensure that you are a part of the museum's history.
Your name or the name of your firm or company and the year of your contribution or donation will be written on a beehive panel of your choice, which presents your honorary entrance to the museum, to the house of ethnological heritage. With the donor's panels a colourful and picturesque wall in the entrance hall of the new museum exhibition house is being built like an "apiary" of the museum.
13 x 30 cm
For a contibution of
60 to 125 EURO
a small one-coloured beehive panel without motive is received.
13 x 30 cm
For a contibution of
126 to 290 EURO
a small painted beehive panel is received.
13 x 30 cm
For a contibution of
291 to 840 EURO
two small beehive panels, one-coloured panel without motive and a painted one is received.
26 x 60 cm
For a contibution of
841 to 4.160 EURO
a large one-coloured beehive panel without motive is received.
26 x 60cm
For a contibution of
over 4.160 EURO
a large painted beehive panel is received.
For additional information please contact
Mrs. Nina Zdravič Polič
T + 386 1 300 87 00