Slovenski etnografski muzej

Številka revije 
Etnolog 4 (1994)
Ivan Sedej
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Ethnological issues in the work of Janez Ljubljanski

The author introduces us to the work of painter Janez Ljubljanski (Johannes von Laibach), son of the Villach painter Frederick (Friedrich von Villach). Janez worked in Carinthia and Carniola from approximately 1435 to 1459. His paintings which were found in some 20 locations provide important evidence on life in the mid 15th century. Besides material details they convey information on the spiritual dimensions of life in a provincial environment, on the connections of individual artists with major social institutions and the influence these institutions had on them. Furthermore, they tell us how the painters used to travel around and are documentary evidence on the effect of folklore on iconography. The most eminent fresco from Janez's workshop (dating from around 1460) is Holy Sunday on the external wall of the Crngrob church where he depicted some fifty scenes from everyday life, most of them related to mid 15th century towns.