How accessible is the cultural heritage to vulnerable groups?
The objective of making cultural heritage accessible to all, especially to themembers of vulnerable groups, has been systematically pursued for many years now in Slovenia. The efforts to increase accessibility of museums and galleries to persons belonging to vulnerable groups, in particular persons with disabilities, date from the nineties, when we were able to learn from thefirst examples of good practice. To date, the number of museums and galleries seeking to ensure access to museum contents for members of vulnerable groups has increased. There are also important projects dealing with the problem of ensuring access to culture for members of different vulnerable groups. The project Accessibility of cultural heritage to vulnerable groups is just one in a series of projects that aim to increase social inclusion of vulnerable groups and raise their employability in the field of culture. The project pursues the objectives of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development, as its activities are aimed at developing human resources for working and living in a society, based on knowledge and at contributing to greater social inclusion of vulnerable socialgroups. The project promoter is the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and six other state museums participate in the project. The project employs nine interns, all members of vulnerable groups. They work in the museums as curators - interns, but their job is also to work on the project. The main objectives of the project are to train people from different vulnerable groupsfor work in the field of culture, to develop and perform new inclusive pedagogical programmes, to increase technical accessibility of museum premisesand to give museum workers training in working with vulnerable social groups.