Slovenski etnografski muzej

Številka revije 
Etnolog 20 (2010)
Maja Dolinar
Članek v pdf obliki 
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The importance of global learning to enhancing awareness about the problems of poverty in Africa

The images of Africa as they are used in the Slovene media, campaigns of humanitarian organisations, and education are based on negative, stereotype presentations of the continent’s inhabitants. These negative images were evident in the recent UNICEF fund raising campaign for the children of Rwanda, where the used images strengthened the stereotypes about Africans and
the African continent as a poor, diseased, and helpless region. The concept of global learning is one of the solutions to stereotype transmission of information: by educating all people on the
causes and effects of the problems the inhabitants of Africa face, we can finally abandon these prevalent negative images. And it is here that anthropology has a lot to contribute.