Slovenski etnografski muzej

Številka revije 
Etnolog 13 (2003)
Inja Smerdel
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An ethnological tamer of "Little creatures": Milko Matičetov, researcher of oral literature

This article about the life and work of the Slovene folklorist and ethnologist, academician Dr. Milko Matičetov, attempts to be a rich lunch. Its aperitif is the introduction which provides the reader with the existing texts on Matičetov in Slovene folklorist and ethnological professional circles. The enticing starter is quite a surprise, a story about »Matičetov and his first encounter with France«. The main course, the chapter »About Matičetov as a person and researcher«, is enriched with two side-dishes, subchapters entitled »Alpes Orientales« and »Resia«. The article concludes with a desert – »About Matičetov as an ethnological tamer of little creatures«.