The heritage of ancient Egypt: Photo archive of Günther and Ingrid Hölbl
In December 2021, the Slovene Ethnographic Museum acquired an extensive photographic archive of the cultural heritage of Egypt and the Western Mediterranean.
The archive was donated to the Museum by Professor Dr Günther Hölbl and his wife Ingrid Hölbl, MSc, both from Austria. An Egyptologist, Günther Hölbl began systematically photographing archaeological sites as early as 1974, and produced some 14,000 slides. The exhibition will feature a selection of photographs of Egyptian shrines and tombs along the Nile River, on river islands and in desert oases.
Slovenski etnografski muzej, 29. junij – 27. avgust 2023
Avtorji razstave / Authors of the exhibition: dr. Marko Frelih, prof. dr. Günther Hölbl, dr. Urška Furlan
Fotografije / Photographs: Fotografski arhiv Güntherja & Ingrid Hölbl / Photo archive of Günther & Ingrid Hölbl
Koordinatorja razstave / Exhibition coordinators: Blaž Verbič, mag. Maja Kostric Grubišić
Barvna korekcija fotografij / Color correction of photos: Blaž Verbič
Grafično oblikovanje / Graphic design: Maja Kocjan
Komuniciranje in program / Communication and programmes: mag. Maja Kostric Grubišić, mag. Irena Plešivčnik
Tehnična podpora / Technical support: Silvester Lipovšek
Prevod / Translation: dr. Urška Furlan, Romana Mlačak