Slovenski etnografski muzej
from 30.09.2024 to 01.03.2025
Between October 2024 and March 2025, the Slovene Ethnographic Museum is visiting China in the famous Xi'an Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts, Shaanxi Province, with the exhibition Bee Culture and Art of...
Xi'an Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts (China) Past
from 18.07.2024 to 19.08.2024
The collection's exciting story began over a hundred years ago, when the Austro-Hungarian naval officer Ivan Skušek Jr returned to Ljubljana from his captivity in China.
Krakovski nasip, Ljubljana
from 10.05.2023 to 17.07.2023
The year 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum (SEM), the oldest ethnological institution in Slovenia.
Krakovo Embankment (Ljubljana)
from 30.08.2016 to 28.09.2016
Fotografska razstava
Leta 1910 je bilo organizirano prvo slovensko romanje v Sveto deželo, ki se ga je udeležilo 540 romarjev. Med njimi je bil tudi romar s številko 50. To je bil Peter Naglič iz Šmarce pri Kamniku, ki...
Fotografski muzej Maribor
from 07.05.2013 to 08.05.2013
2nd Africa Day in Slovenia , 7 - 8 May 2013 Europe for Africa & Africa for World During the summer of 1850 the missionary Dr Ignacij Knoblehar (1819 – 1858) returned to Ljubljana from a long...