Folimage des origines: a guide through french animated film studio
1. – 21. December 2010 (prolonged to 5th Januar 2011)
Multimedia exhibition
Folimage Studio Exhibition presents a creative guide to the development of a major animated film studio of world rank. The exhibition displays the phases of studio development through history as well as its production structure. Beside the original drawings the public will be particularly excited by the ambient installation and interactive part of the exhibition portraying the magic of creating animated films based on play and entertainment. The visual and textual parts of the exhibition have been formed so as to take the visitor to another dimension in time and space, where they shall discover the background of the magical creation of animated films and the immense creative power of the creators. An important part of the exhibition features an example of a traditional animated film studio, where the visitors shall be given a unique opportunity to see the technological process of making an animated film. They shall see the entire creative phase from writing the script to colouring, composing music and the final editing, also including the production and distribution.
While the exhibition is on display, the Slovene Ethnographic Museum will organise workshops of animated film and special screenings for school groups. Thereby we wish to bring the French culture closer to Slovenian pupils. For more information and reservations of animated film workshops please contact: