Slovenski etnografski muzej

Nova spletna stran projekta Taking Care
Datum objave 
24. March 2020

Nova spletna stran projekta Taking Care

Vabimo vas k ogledu nove spletne strani projekta Taking Care. Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care.

Slovenski etnografski muzej v družbi dvanajstih evropskih etnografskih muzejev v projektu obravnava bogate zunajevropske zbirke, pri tem pa naslavlja aktualno tematiko podnebnih sprememb in ksenofobije. Na spletni strani vas vabimo na dogodke, organizirane v okviru projekta, preberete lahko eseje ali krajše tekste o projektnih temah, v branje oziroma za ogled pa vam predlagamo tudi vsebine, povezane s projektom. Spletna stran vam omogoča tudi, da pokukate v zakulisje projekta. Popestrite si čas doma!

You are kindly invited to take a look at the brand new website of the EU project Taking Care. Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care which addresses the entanglement between non-European collections, the climate change, migration and xenophobia. The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is one of the thirteen participant ethnographic museums from all over Europe. The Taking Care website offers variety of content. You can read essays as well as short insights about the project and its related themes, and find many recommendations, such as events, exhibitions, articles, videos or podcasts around the related issues of the project. You can also find out more about upcoming project events, and take a look behind the scene of the ongoing work. Make the best of your time at home!