Slovenski etnografski muzej

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Datum objave 
5. August 2016

Umetniška interpretacija afriške zbirke

Bianca Baldi je vizualna umetnica, ki v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju v okviru projekta SWICH gostuje v umetniški rezidenci.

Raziskuje zbirko barona Antona Codellija, ki je v začetku 20. stoletja v afriški državi Togo s sodelavci postavil radiotelegrafsko postajo. Umetnica želi povezati dve različni vrsti artefaktov: tehnične fotografije, ki prikazujejo gradnjo radiotelegrafske postaje, ter talismane z mitološko strukturo v obliki labirinta, ki so jih našli v torbi Codellijevega sodelavca Lea Poljanca. S svojo interpretacijo želi opozoriti na komunikacijo kot eno od nevidnih orodij imperializma. Pripravila je dva bloga, ki si ju lahko ogledate s klikom na linka spodaj.

During her time at SEM, the artist Bianca Baldi has become interested in two collections connected to a Slovene expedition to Togo. On the one hand a series of technical photographs show the construction of the first wireless transmitter to connect Africa (Togo) with the west (Germany) and on the other a collection of curious talismans suggest a mythological architecture to trap an evil spirit. Bianca begins to draw links between these two disparate artefacts as a means to take into consideration the question of communication as another invisible tool for imperialism.

Her initial notes can be viewed here:

Notes i

Notes ii