Slovenski etnografski muzej

Življenjska zgodba Františka Vladimirja Foita
Administration building
Thursday, 8. June 2023 - 13:00
1 hour
Free entrance!

Veleposlaništvo Češke

The life story of František Vladimir Foit

The Slovene Ethnographic Museum and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana cordially invites you to the opening of the exhibition The life story of František Vladimir Foit on Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 13.00 at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Metelkova 2, Ljubljana (administration building SEM).

The exhibition will be opened by H.E. Mr. Juraj Chmiel, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana and the author of the concept of the exhibition.

The exhibition will be on view until 16 June 2023.